Source navigation


While even our most sophisticated programs cannot rival the master design of our brains, well structured programs can be a challenge for simple editors to navigate. THE Editor's Choice will take you through the most modular program with ease, and will step you back out just as easily.


Source Entry


Stepping into a subroutine

How many times have you come across an EXSR and wondered where in the 10,000 statements it might be.

Wouldn't it be easier to just enter a G in the sequence number. Then, when you have finished viewing or editing that subroutine, press F12 to return to your starting point.

And if you have subroutines calling subroutines calling subroutines calling subroutines: no problems - just keep drilling down with G and returning with F12. (If you want to keep track of a particular location, see Bookmarks below)

Once in a subroutine, functions such as Top, Bottom, Find work within the subroutine boundaries.



You are looking at a DO loop with a limit of MAXDO, but don't know where it is set. If you just had scan, you loose where you are, and you would have to scan several times to see all the occurrences. Instead, enter "R MAXDO" on the command line, and you get a list of all the references to the field on a single display. If need be, you can look at the context of each statement then return to the list.

The reference command also increments the drill-down level, so an F12 from the list returns to your starting point.

Reference keeps track of every statement where a field, file, indicator, or literal is used. It also tracks some generic object types, so you can see a list of all data structures or subroutines in a program, or record formats in a display file.



If you are examining a program listing, there are invariably pieces of paper, pens, rulers, and/or fingers keeping place marks of important sections of code.

Poking your finger at the screen leaves dirty marks, so the Editor provides a set of bookmarks that allow you to quickly return to different points of interest.

Bookmarks also increment the drill-down level, so an F12 returns to your starting point.

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